Have you noticed for some time that your deep fryer gives off a bad smell after each use? Perhaps it’s time to give it a new shine. However, it has to be said that some waste residues can be particularly stubborn in the face of a brush. So, if this is your first time, you’ll need to pull out all the stops to achieve a sparkling, grease-removing clean. Fortunately, this guide offers you some powerful methods for cleaning a deep-fat fryer.
How to clean an electric fryer: the prerequisites
Removing dirt from a deep fryer involves much more than simply shaking a bottle of soapy water and applying it to the appliance. There are a number of essential pre-requisites to be met before any kind of operation.
First of all, remember to switch off and unplug the appliance for safety reasons. And if your fryer still contains freshly used oil, let it cool for a while. It would be a real shame to let hot oil burn you during the maintenance process.
As a second step, we recommend dismantling all parts of the fryer for customized cleaning. These include the basket, bowl and lid. Naturally, this recommendation only applies to removable fryers.
On the other hand, it’s obvious that you can’t remove dirt from a deep fryer by hand. So don’t forget your personal protective equipment. This includes the following accessories:
– Disposable protective gloves;
– Splash goggles;
– Apron and kitchen towel;
– A soft cloth;
– A fine dish brush with soft fibers;
– Oil collection containers.
Once you’ve assembled all this equipment, you can move on to the next phase: getting rid of the oil from your electric fryer.
In fact, it’s important to drain off any drops of oil that still cling to the sides of the fryer. If you’re faced with a large quantity of oil, you’ll either have to throw it away or reuse it. It all depends on its condition. Disposable oil can be identified by its strong odor and almost black color. On the other hand, if it has a good smell and a correct texture, it can be stored in a clean container.
However, it can happen that thin layers of oil remain after draining. In this case, there’s a simple trick you can use to remove the excess: flour.
All you have to do is sprinkle some flour inside the tank and use a spatula to mix it all together. Naturally, the flour will absorb the residual oil. This will form a paste that can be removed later. Now you’re ready to give your deep fryer a thorough cleaning!
How do I clean the inside of an electric fryer?
The inside of an electric fryer consists of a basket and a bowl. So it’s obvious to clean each of these parts for effective results.
How do I clean the basket of an electric fryer?
Start by preparing a solution of soapy water and white vinegar. To obtain this washing-up liquid, simply mix boiling water with black soap, Marseille soap and washing-up liquid. Pour the mixture into a large container and add 4 tablespoons of white vinegar.
Then use a soft brush to remove any greasy residue stuck to the basket grids. Finally, rinse thoroughly with clean water and leave to dry.
How do I clean the bowl of a deep fryer?
There are several options here:
– Cleaning with black soap: this is a fairly simple trick. Apply black soap to a soft towel and rub it into the various walls of the tank. Once the operation is complete, clean with water and a clean sponge.
– Cleaning with white vinegar: heat 3 glasses of white vinegar and 2 spoons baking soda. You can also use 2 tablespoons of coarse salt for better cleaning. The resulting solution should be poured into the tank and spread over the entire surface with a brush. Scrub all sides well and rinse with cold water to finish. Don’t forget to use a clean microfiber towel to finish the cleaning.
– Cleaning with washing-up liquid: simply fill the bowl with boiling water and add washing-up liquid. For best results, the liquid should be degreasing. Now close the fryer and leave the product to work for a few minutes. Remove the mixture from the bowl and brush the surface in every nook and cranny with a soft brush. Rinse thoroughly with clean water, then dry with a clean, silky cloth.
How do I clean a heavily fouled fryer?
A deep fryer is considered heavily fouled when it has accumulated enough food residue and grease over time. Here’s how you can effectively remove this dirt:
Opt for soda crystals
Soda crystals are your best ally for economical, eco-friendly cleaning. Although they’re a little more powerful than baking soda, these little crystals pose no danger to health. On the contrary, their degreasing and disinfecting properties help to eliminate stubborn residues in deep-fat fryers. All you need to do to achieve these results is :
– Fill the fryer tank with one liter of hot water;
– Add about 100 g of soda crystals to the water-filled tank. This will trigger a chemical reaction within a few minutes. Don’t panic, this is a natural phenomenon.
– Gently clean the inside of the fryer with a non-abrasive sponge;
– Once the grease has been removed, finish by rinsing thoroughly with several liters of water.
Of course, it’s always a good idea to wipe everything down gently with a clean cloth.
How do I clean the outside of an electric fryer?
The outside of a deep fryer can be subject to splashes of frying oil and other often invisible waste. Whether it’s the lid or the outer walls, every component needs careful cleaning.
For this purpose, methylated spirits are a practical cleaning agent. Use a cloth dampened with methylated spirits to seal the entire surface. Then clean with fresh water and dry meticulously to avoid any further residue.
A little further on, you can also dilute white vinegar in water to clean the outside of the fryer. This cleaning product is particularly well-known for restoring shine after use.